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The China-Europe Railway Express loaded with China's opportunities

VisitCount:215 UpdateTime:2024/6/24

The accelerated running of China-European Union (CEU) liner once again proves that China's development is open development and China's opportunities are the opportunities of the world. China's market space is vast, and its depth is constantly being extended. In the future, China's determination to expand high-level opening up will not change, and the door of opening up will only open wider and wider.

The latest data from the National Development and Reform Commission shows that in May this year, a total of 2,733 columns of China-Europe (Asia) liner trains were operated, which is a record high for a single month's transportation volume. Among them, the China-European liner train 1724 columns, delivery of goods 186,000 TEUs, respectively, year-on-year growth of 14%, 13%; Central Asia liner train 1009 columns, delivery of goods 74,000 TEUs, respectively, year-on-year growth of 6%, 10%.

Also in May, the China-Europa liner train ushered in another important point. on May 25, with the departure of X8157 China-Europa liner train (Xi'an-Malashevich) from Xi'an International Port Station, the cumulative number of China-Europa liner trains exceeded 90,000 train. Since May 2020, the number of China-EU trains has remained above 1,000 trains in a month for 48 consecutive months.

Since its first launch in 2011, China-EU liner has run out of "acceleration", with a cumulative total of more than 8.7 million TEUs of cargo, cargo value of more than 380 billion U.S. dollars, and access to 223 cities in 25 countries in Europe. The time required for running 10,000 trains has been shortened from 90 months at the beginning to 7 months now, and the annual transportation value has increased from 8 billion US dollars in 2016 to 56.7 billion US dollars in 2023. The cargo category has gradually expanded from IT products such as laptops and printers at the beginning of the line to more than 50,000 products in 53 categories such as clothing, shoes and hats, automobiles and accessories, daily necessities, food, timber, furniture, chemicals, machinery and equipment.

As a new type of international transportation organization, China-EU liner has significant advantages such as convenience, speed, safety and stability, green economy, etc., and has become a popular international public product. Over the past ten years, the capacity of China-Europe liner has been continuously enhanced, the quality has been steadily improved, and the radiation effect has become more and more prominent. Under the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, the central and western regions of China, relying on the China-European Union (CEU) liner and the New International Land and Sea Trade Corridor (NILSTC), have transformed themselves from "rear guards" to "forwards" in the process of opening up. 2013 From 2013 to 2022, the proportion of foreign trade of the central and western regions in the country will increase from 13.5% to 19.2%. The China-European Union (CEU) liner has built a new platform for economic and trade cooperation along the route, allowing more "Made in China" to reach Europe at faster speeds and better prices, greatly enhancing the well-being of people's lives along the route, and opening a new trade channel for European manufacturers and traders to enter the Chinese market.

The accelerated running of China-Europe liner has once again proved that China's development is the development of opening up, and China's opportunities are the opportunities of the world.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has accelerated the construction of a new open economy system at a higher level, and has implemented opening up to the outside world in a wider range, a wider field and a deeper level. Twenty-two pilot free trade zones have been set up nationwide in seven successive rounds, forming a reform and opening-up innovation pattern covering the east, west, south, north and south, and integrating the coastal, inland and border areas. More than 230 cooperation documents on the construction of the Belt and Road have been signed with more than 150 countries and 30 international organizations. The negative list for foreign investment access has been reduced from 190 items to less than 31 items, and the total tariff level has been lowered to 7.3 per cent, which is comparable to the level of developed WTO members. As the world's first import-themed national exhibition, the China International Import Expo has been successfully held for six sessions, with a cumulative intended turnover of more than 420 billion U.S. dollars.

In today's world, the scarcest resource is the market. China's market space is vast, and its depth is constantly being extended. It can be imagined that a mega market with a middle-income group of 400 million people and a per capita GDP of more than 12,000 U.S. dollars is contributing more than 30% to global economic growth at this stage. As China's economy continues to rebound and improve, high-level opening up to the outside world is being pushed forward, and high-quality and diversified consumer demand is being further released, the potential and opportunities are enormous!

In the future, China's determination to expand high-level opening up will not change, and the door to opening up will only be opened wider and wider.

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